About Our 

Creative Contests

Choeofpleirn Press holds several annual creative contests. The contest fees we collect help us pay the winners. Click on each link for the Submission Guidelines for each creative genre. The PayPal portal for paying the contest fees is at the bottom of each genre's Submission Guidelines page.

For works published in our magazines, we have the following:

Beginning in 2024, we will ask every contributor to vote on ONLY the works whose creators paid the modest contest fees by sending out a survey listing those works that have been entered. In the past, we have allowed our readers and select contributors to vote on whichever works they liked best, but, inevitably, many voted for works whose creators had NOT paid the contest fees.

Please realize that the contest fees allow us to pay the winners. Currently, the winning amount is only $100, but we would like to increase that, if we can, but we need the funding to do that.

Choeofpleirn Press also hosts two book contests annually:

As with the other creative contests, we use the money raised by the contest fees to pay the winning writers.

We are currently considering hosting a novel contest, as well, so keep an eye out for that new contest.

You can help support (and possibly increase) the creative contests sponsored by Choeofpleirn Press by donating money to our press through our Donate webpage.

Thank you for having an interest in our small Kansas press! With your continued support, we can create a press that could rival the coastal publication houses.